It had never occured to me that there is so much potential evil in our world. Where one man, just because his office was burned down during civil unrest, is capable of stoking the fire till kills thousands of people. People whom he wasn't even sure were Hindu, or Muslim, or Christian or Martian! And the fact that these kinds of people live just beneath the fabric of society. They are visible but not recognized. And that any of us has the potential of becoming a Memon if stoked properly. Creepy!
Earlier I thought the only way to stop most of the evil going on in the world is to smudge the boundary between Muslims and the rest of the world. Now I don't think that way anymore. I think there will be evil in the world, till there are disparities and people so intolerant of those disparities, that this difference in their minds can be used to accomplish anything! It is Muslim and the rest of the world today, it could be digital and non-digital tomorrow. Who knows?
So the only way to eradicate evil from the world is not to remove disparities, because that is a law of nature. But to create tolerance levels in people. Tolerance for other religions. Tolerance of other types of people. Tolerance for 'The grass is greener on the other side'.
And groupism where one group thinks they are better than the other should be eralicated. But that's meat for another blog post!
u forgot to mention the most important thing on V Day - the "Black" man u went with !!
lol...blacker than Black!! But so is chocolate!! The darker the better babe!!
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