Ghajini....much talked about, much pulled down, much marketed and much publicized..its a movie that can't carry its own hype. Aamir Khan tried to pull of a movie by carrying it on his shoulders and his alone. Given - his performance is stellar, perfect like a well carved diamond. The body language, the transformation of characters. From the sweet millionaire to the scorned, wounded lover seeking revenge. He had anger seeping out of his very pores...his portrayal of confusion made your heart go out to the poor man. The script was good, not fantastic, just good. But really, someone tell him he's not 'Atlas' himself and he can't carry a whooooollleee film on his shoulders and his alone. He needs good actors around him, he needs good songwriters, good music directors, good lighting, good camera. Frankly, besides him, there was nothing else that was good about the film. Perhaps he should've spent some of those marketing bucks on the production instead and he could have had a good movie. Someone tell him....before he tries another time!!